The Blue Rose Girls were very flattered to hear that a Motherreader has given us an I *Heart* Your Blog Award! Thanks Motherreader, we love your blog too! In the spirit of passing on the love, here are some of our picks. Of course there are many more we love... here is just a sampling:
ANNA: Shelftalker: A Children's Bookseller's Blog is written by the book buyer (Hi Alison!) at the Wellesley Booksmith here in the Boston area. Her writing is warm and funny and she always has something interesting to share (and she loves Project Runway as much as I do, what could be bad?).
LIBBY: A Crowe's Nest
I agree with Anna about Alison! My pick is a new blog from writers', agents', editors', and, sometimes, marketers' points of view. Yes, I'm biased -- the blog was started by my agent -- but even if it hadn't been, I'd find all these different perspectives fascinating....and for anyyone like me who adores Asian food but can't get it where she lives, chez pim has foolproof directions for making Pad Thai, Pad See Yew, and other delicious things from panzanella to pop tarts.
GRACE: Greetings From Nowhere and Jama Rattigan's Alphabet Soup
With my huge deadline, I stopped reading blogs for a while but am thrilled to be catching up again. I love Barbara O'Connor's blog--her writerly day-to-day happenings make me feel like we're best friends...though I never comment so maybe that makes me a stalker? Yikes! Anyway, Jama's blog always makes me smile. I always go there when I feel a little blue--she always has some sort of yummy food picture or recipe that is a great pick-me-up.
ALVINA: I, too, had stopped following blogs for a while, because of multiple deadlines at work (and still going!), but a relatively new one I love is Justina Chen Headley's Wordlings by Justina. Justina recently moved to Shanghai, so it's been great to follow her travels there and drool over the food.
ELAINE: I’m a faithful reader of quite a number of blogs. My two absolute favorites are Seven Impossible Things and The Miss Rumphius Effect. Jules and Eisha of 7-Imp have some wonderful blog features--including their “Kicks of the Week,” interviews with authors and illustrators, and great reviews of picture books. Tricia of The Miss Rumphius Effect, an educator like me, posts about using literature across the curriculum, has some excellent thematic book lists, and challenges blog readers with her “poetry stretches.”
Here are rules for those chosen: 1) Add the logo of the award to your blog, 2) Add the link of the person who awarded it to you to your blog, 3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs, 4) Add links to those blogs to your blog, 5) Leave a nice warm message for each of your nominees!
Thanks so much for the honor, Grace! You definitely made my week :)!!
Oh, wow! I love stalkers.
I want to be your bff, too! Thanks so much, Grace.
See you in Ohio!
Oh, THANK YOU, Alvina and Blue Rose Girls. What an honor! I love your blog, too.
Shame on me. I'm so slow in getting to this. My apologies. Thanks, Elaine. We really appreciate this! What an honor, coming from you.
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