I’ve been busy lately working on poetic rants for my new blog Political Verses. I’ve found it difficult focusing on anything else. When it comes to writing, I can experience long dry spells when I have little inspiration to write—when no ideas for penning poems bubble up in my brain. That’s what had happened to me for a few months. Then, a few weeks ago, I saw Tom DeLay on television. Not long after that, I watched a portion of Rush Limbaugh’s performance at CPAC. And, lo and behold, I felt inspired to write once again. Of course, I’m not writing children’s poetry at the moment—but snarky verses about the likes of the two men mentioned above.
Here is an excerpt from my most recent political verse—a poem about Rush Limbaugh. It’s one of my Limbaughrhymes!
Winnie the Pooh-Bah and the Hundred Acre Wood
(With apologies to A. A. Milne)
He lives in the forest
But he can’t see the trees.
He suffers from
Far right optical disease.
He looks at things his way—
And not as they are.
This Winnie Pooh-Bah reigns
As GOP Czar.
He sits on his wooden throne,
An old oak stump…
And talks into his microphone.
He likes to harrumph
About the feminazis,
Liberals and their kin.
And for one Know-Nothing?
He can make an awful din.
You can read the rest of the poem here.
For Poetry Friday at Political Verses, I have a poem by J. Patrick Lewis about Henry Kissinger entitled Henry K., Man of Peace.
Here’s the link to another original poem that I posted this week at Political Verses: Bernie Made Off with My Money.
My Winnie the Pooh post at Wild Rose Reader includes lyrics to Kenny Loggins’ song Return to Pooh Corner, a video with pictures of Winnie the Pooh and his friends and Loggins singing his song, and some children’s poems by A. A. Milne.
I’m doing the Poetry Friday Roundup today at Wild Rose Reader. Please leave the URL of your poetry post and a short description of it in the comments at my special Roundup Post.
You should record this to music and burn it on CD and then take it to a party. Oh, Rush's friends did that already. lol
Maybe I should make a YouTube rap video of it, huh?
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