Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A new Greta painting

I am in full on deadline mode with the art for A Photo for Greta due in one month! I've been painting morning til night, building up the momentum to finish the art. I've been happy with how its coming out... I'm combining acrylic with watercolor and colored pencil to make the art for this book a little softer and lighter. Here is one of my favorite pieces so far (its a scene where Greta is dreaming, and its always been my favorite spread in the book). The sky is in watercolor and the tree and characters are in acrylic, to make them pop against the sky...

(click to enlarge)


Elaine Magliaro said...

I love this illustration, Anna! It reminds me of one of the snowflakes you painted for Robert's Snow.

Anna Alter said...

Thanks Elaine!

Alicia Padrón said...

It's beautiful! And I also love the soft wavy lines or brush strokes on the tree trunk. :o)

Meghan McCarthy said...

Anna, what exactly is the process? You put a wash down first, then you painted the tree I'm assuming... but what about the colored pencil? Can you do that on top of acrylic? I'm very curious.

Love this!

Anna Alter said...

Thanks guys. Meghan- for this painting I put down the watercolor background washes first, then painted the tree and figures in acrylic on top. I've been using colored pencil to touch up and smooth out both the watercolor and acrylic in places... you can definitely use colored pencil on acrylic, but if it has a lot of texture it does pick it up. I mostly use the pencil over surfaces that are pretty flat.

yamster said...

So peaceful and gorgeous.