I just wrote a post about how BN is being sued for its Nook. At the end I compared the Nook with Alex, which is created by Spring design (you can see these two devises on my blog), and said I'd go with the Nook. Then I was thinking about it and said if I HAD to pick an e-reader I'd buy a Nook. A Nook color I guess (I'm adding the color part here). The iPad is an amazing devise but let's face it--it's a laptop without the keyboard. I already have a small 12 inch laptop. Why would I want another? I find that the iPad is too big and heavy to carry around and I would want something a bit smaller to lug on the subway because that's where I'd use it most.
So... what would YOU pick?
p.s - I think Alvina has had several?
I have the iPad and the Sony Reader, both given to me from work.
If I had to buy one myself, I think I'd go with the Kindle or Nook (not color) for reading novels, because of the convenience of being able to download books remotely, rather than having to hook the device up to a computer to load. But I would also probably end up buying the iPad because it's so pretty. I'd probably want one color device and one b&w device.
If I could afford them all, that is!
If I had to pick just one, I might go with the Color Nook because it falls somewhere between the iPad and the Kindle.
I asked myself this question a lot last fall, and I ended up purchasing the Nook Color. As a reader, I think it has everything going for it. The iPad is awesome and can be used for reading, but the Nook Color has the Internet connection, it will work with public libraries, I can read it in the dark, and I can highlight & take notes easily.
If I had more money, I might have gone with the iPad. But since my budget wasn't so huge and I was looking for a reader (not a computer), it was a good choice.
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